Its been a while since I posted a new dish and a lot has changed. Over a year ago we started our vegetarian experiment....that experiment has become a lifestyle. A couple of months ago we added a gluten free diet. Gluten free is definitely more of a challenge, but aside from missing bread, we're making a go of it. I have several dishes I need to post, starting with one we had today....and out was great!
2 T honey mustard
1 T basil, chopped
1T green onion, chopped
1 clove garlic
2 t red wine vinegar
2 t olive oil
1 1/2 t maple syrup
1/2 t salt
4 portobello mushroom caps
Mixed greens
Feta cheese
Mix all ingredients up to the mushrooms....process in food processor until smooth. Place mushrooms stem side up on a baking dish and spoon dressing over the mushrooms. Broil, flipping once, about 6-8 minutes, until tender. Remove from oven and slice. Serve over greens and sprinkle with feta cheese.
The secrets..... I bought mixed greens at the grocery store salad bar. So easy! I doubled the dressing putting half on the mushrooms and half directly on the salad.
A great meal!
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